How to make baby's first Christmas special for you and for them

How to make baby's first Christmas special for you and for them

How to make baby's first Christmas special for you and for them

It's easy to feel like you have to go all out for baby's first Christmas. Whether they are a new born a few weeks old or closer to their first birthday, the temptation is there to spend a lot of money, time and effort to create those first precious memories of this time of year.
On the flip side, it may be that you don't even think it's worth bothering because your baby has no idea what's going on! And that's ok too, who needs more pressure right? Or to spend money you might not have, not to mention the time and energy that can be lacking at this time of year. (very much amplified with a baby in the mix!)

Keeping it simple

 We love the saying 'something they want, something they need, something to wear, something to read' (especially the reading bit!) and sticking to this can help you stay on budget and not get carried away with toys and clothes they may not use.
The benefit of babies not knowing what's going on is you can get away with wrapping things they already have and love. Why not wrap up a favourite toy or book and let them have a fun sensory experience with the paper?
Or for something really personal, write them a letter or a poem, or put some photos in an envelope. You could share some wishes for their first Christmas, or memories from the time you have already spent together. It can be anything really! And you can enjoy opening it together when they are older.
So, however you would like to spend your baby's first Christmas, there's really no right or wrong template for what it should look like, just concentrate on what feels right for you and your family. 

Looking for a few more tips to make it memorable?

Are you somewhere in between on the lots of effort versus is-it-even-worth-it  spectrum? We asked some of our small business friends for suggestions on how to make it memorable but low key, the things that really stayed with them from their own children's first Christmas. Here's what they said;

During my first Christmas with my son, I was suffering with post-natal anxiety and I couldn’t get my head around doing much. I bought an inexpensive baby’s first Christmas wooden bauble. He had two cute outfits. I took pics in the outfits. I kept the bauble and outfits and I now have them in his memory box with pictures of him in them and with his loved ones.

Amy Polly
The Mindfulness Rebel


Every year we like to add a couple of new Christmas books to our collection and in December we love to get our Christmas books down from the attic along with all our decorations. Each book has lovely memories attached to them. The book we read to our little ones on their first Christmas always makes me feel emotional when we re-read it! There are books gifted from special family members, books from visits to Santa and books we’ve chosen ourselves. Each one brings memories flooding back so my recommendation for your babies first Christmas is fo start off your Christmas book collection.

Check out our range of Christmas Storyboxes to add to your Christmas book collection.

Danni Perkins
Founder ZaZa Storybox


I took a photo of both of mine on Xmas day (or to be fair I think with my little boy I actually did it prior to Xmas day a bit like people do school photos not on the actual first day of school to save the stress 😂) anyway dressed up in Christmas outfits so my son has a Santa outside and my daughter had an elf outfit. Then I ordered them both a personalised photo frame which says ‘baby’s first Christmas’ and their names etc and printed off their Xmas fancy dress baby photo. Then I pop the photo frame away with the Christmas decs and just get them out every year for the Christmas period and see my baby Santa and my baby elf 🥰 it’s such a lovely way to remember our first Xmas and how tiny they were!

Ruth Lue-Quee
Founder My Mummy Teacher



We hope these help take the pressure off and give you a few ideas! If you have any other tips do share them with us on socials or drop us an email and we can share with our community.
 Happy first Christmas!

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